Attention: Professionals, wholesalers, retailers, sales people, service businesses, entrepreneurs, network marketers and all business owners...

"How to EXPLODE Your Business,
Have A Blast Doing It, Free Up Your Time --
And Enjoy Your Business And Your Life"

(and yes, it will work for your business)


This report is so hot, it's about how to blow the doors off your business -- with sales.

It's about how to free up your time.

How to restore the joy back in your business or give you joy to begin with.

How to remove the drudgery and give you back your life.  Or maybe make you feel like you have a life for the first time.

No bull.

No hype.

Read this report and you'll see why that is not only possible but it's being done by people every day.  In fact, in this letter, I'll tell you a story about a client of mine that went from not being able to sell anything to selling a billion dollars of products -- all based on this system.

This is NOT another Internet marketing hype product.   Please.  Like that's what you need.

This is NOT another regurgitated, rehashed version of Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham or any other "guru."

This is NOT information you've found in one of those dumb, free or cheap e-books. I won't insult you with that.

This is NOT a rehash of my other information. What is it then?

I can best describe that to you by telling you a personal story...

How a 20,000 square foot house and
120 employees opened my eyes!

A gentleman called me up for consulting. 

As you know, I charge $1,000 an hour for consulting.  He had lots of full-page ads running, so I told him I would teach him about the Internet if he taught me more about how he makes money with those full-page ads.

You always want to keep your eyes open for opportunities to learn how people use leverage to make money. 

So when I got this phone call, I was curious.  I saw that this guy had a lot of leverage going for him.  He always has full-page ads running in something like 20 magazines.  That's a lot of full-page ads.  I knew he had something on the ball or he couldn't afford those ads.

So I zipped down to his city and did a little seminar on Internet marketing for his staff.  In return, he talked to me about the full-page ads.  But what he REALLY got excited about was his direct mail. My goodness. 

He was sending out a million or more pieces of direct mail a year. 

Unbelievable stuff.  He had all these full-page ads out there generating leads for him.  He had all these direct mail pieces going out and making sales for him.  He had a team of sales reps in house calling up customers and selling them additional products.

In short, he had TONS of  sales vehicles working for him night and day.

No wonder he lives in a 20,000 square foot house!

People see this guy living in this lavish 20,000 square foot house and wonder how he is doing it.  The average Joe has no understanding whatsoever of the things we're discussing in this report.  He has no understanding of how to use marketing secrets to make a little do a lot.

Of course, you can't afford all those direct mail pieces and ads unless you have a profitable sales process going for you.  In his case, he had a back-end that didn't quit.  His telemarketers would call customers and sell them something more expensive.  Then they'd call again later and sell something yet more expensive than that.  It just never ended.

He had sales vehicles not just on the front-end but also on the back-end.

Are you beginning to see the picture here?

The way you make money, the secret of making money is ...


That's it.

That's the secret the big boys have been hiding from you all these years.  You have to sell lots of stuff.  I should call this e-class …

How people sell millions, and make billions by getting dozens, hundreds, thousands or hundreds of thousands of ads, letters, tools, strategies, processes, mailers, telemarketers, sales people, drop boxes and more selling for you day and night.

It's all about selling stuff.

And here's the crux of the problem most of us face in our businesses:

We're trying to sell it all ourselves, create it all ourselves, answer all the calls and emails, do all the customer service, and be a jack of all trades.

But as long as we do that, guess what?

We can never go to the big leagues


Because the big leagues are about selling thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions through sales vehicles that multiply like rabbits! In that regard, we are our own worst enemy because we insist on doing it all ourselves.

I could actually explode your sales just by telling you to find 5 ways to sell something.  And then find a way to do those 5 things a thousand or million times each.

That's it.

That's all there is to it.

You do that and you're home free.  You've reached marketing Nirvana.

Of course, you also have to have the systems to handle all the business. We're going to talk about that also.  But in a nutshell, all this is about is selling lots of stuff through duplication and multiplication of time, efforts, systems, technology, and so forth.

Before we go any further, let me tell you some things about myself you may or may not know.  What my credibility is.  Because credibility is all important.

This is NOT book learning.  This is NOT theory. This is NOT what I read or learned from someone else's product and rewrote. 

This is real world stuff.  Practical.  Hands on. What we do. How we do it. And how people I know in this business do it. The true inside stuff.  Much of this we invented or created ourselves.  Parts we adapted and used from others.

OK, let me prove to you I'm not full of  it.

Here's what's different about my system and why it
isn't just another load of hype...

First, let me get this straight from the outset.

One:  I am NOT some 21 year-old-kid living out of my parent's home spending my soda money on advertising and flipping burgers for my "real" job.  I am the

CEO of Higher Response Marketing Inc. We have in excess of 7,000 customers in virtually every country of the world.  We have over 200 pages of published testimonials.

Two: We are considered by those "in the know" to be in the top 5 and certainly top 10 Internet marketing training companies in the world.  If you surf marketing web sites at all, you've seen us plastered all over the place, so you know what I'm saying is true.

Three: I'm not selling you a cheap, practically worthless e-book or other such nonsense.  I've literally bought almost everything out there -- even the really cheap cheesy stuff.  I've downloaded and read more free e-books than I care to admit. I've bought $1,000 courses.  Several $5,000 courses.  Met many of the "gurus" at the seminars I speak at and so forth.  There are so few viable, put-it-to-work right away systems out there, it's truly shocking.

Four:  I write, travel, speak and create products on marketing.   I do NOT have a "day" job.  I've been doing this for 7 years (and have been involved in marketing of some sort for 20).  This IS my only profession and I make a very good living at it and am very profitable.  I have a talented staff and corporate status.

Five: My products have been listed in the top 10 by the prestigious web site for 3 years and running.

Six: Virtually everyone in this industry knows who I am.  I have spoken at over 120, $3000 one-day marketing seminars.  Before I made my living marketing on the web, I was a highly-paid direct mail copywriter.  My good friends are virtually all the top marketers on the Net.

Seven: I was marketing online (on AOL and CompuServe) before the World Wide Web even existed. I was employed as a copywriter at a marketing company involved in the first commercial marketing on the "old" Internet back when you used Veronica, Archie and Gopher.  I remember when Yahoo! was an itsy bitsy company. I am NOT a Johnny come lately to the net.  I didn't just hang up my shingle yesterday and pronounce myself an expert.

Eight: I do what I teach.

I say this not to impress you but to impress upon you that I am not some country

bumpkin without a clue.  I am the source of this information.  I am NOT like the army of copycats and imitators who knock off our stuff and sell poorly executed, cheap or free versions in an effort to boost the sales of whatever else they hawk.

Here's a description of who this information will benefit:

Wholesalers who need to stimulate sales from existing buyers, locate new ones and expand your base.

Retailers who need to find new customers and make more sales to existing ones.

Real estate agents, mortgage brokers and other service businesses who want to make more sales and become more profitable.  Right from your web site (if and only if it's done in the right way) you can generate leads every single day.  Quit cold calling!

Ebayers who want to make more money.

Mail-order businesses who want to make more money.

Manufacturers who need to recruit, train, manage and motivate wholesalers and jobbers.

Professionals like dentists, chiropractors, and consultants who need to get more patients and clients and increase the profitability of existing ones.

Salespeople: You're on the phone talking, promoting, relating, selling.  Now, you can generate leads, follow up, and expand the number of people you can sell to via automation.

Mlm'ers who want to create an automated recruiting system so you don't have to bug your friends, family and neighbors.

Stockbrokers who are sick and tired of calling people who are rude to them and hang up.

Anyone with any business.

Have you ever said, "I could get a lot more done if I could only clone myself?"

Or perhaps, "I need 10 of me to get all this work done?"

You're reading this for one or more of the following reasons:

1. You work like a dog in your business and struggle to eke out a living.  You're the cook, bottle washer, cashier, and waitress.  At the end of the day, you wonder why you're exhausted.  You're hoping I've got something to say to convince you that it can be any way other than that.

2.  Your work has slowly eaten up your life to the point where you don't have a life.  You are now the employee of your own business.  You're, in fact, the prisoner of your own business.

3.  You've read the books, bought the courses, tried the usual answers -- and nothing seems to work.  Yet, in your heart you know it can work, you know there IS an answer.  You just need someone to turn on the light and show you the way.

4. You're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.  You're about ready to give your business away!  If you could find someone dumb enough to take it.

5.  You're a sales person who has had it with making cold calls.  You've been treated like a criminal enough times, hung up enough, had to endure more psychological pain than a human being should have to just to make money.  You smart enough to realize their has to be a better way and you're praying to God I'm not full of it.

6.  You've got a business or web site and money going out but not nearly enough coming in.  You're hoping I can show you how to get more coming in the front door and less roaring out the back door.

7.  Your business is sucking your life force out of you.  Instead of being fun or enjoyable, it's about to kill you.

8.  You see other businesses using technology, the Internet and marketing systems.  You know you need them. But you don't know where to start.

9.  You feel you're close.  You've been using web sites, technology and created some of your own systems.  Things are going pretty good. But you know you can get better.

10.  Your business is doing great -- but you know it can do better if you implement cutting-edge technology and systems.

11.  You've tried technology, direct response marketing and other stuff.  But it just doesn't seem to work for you.

12.   You feel you're too close to the forest to see the trees.  You know your marketing is mediocre, and you aren't using technology to even a small part of it's potential.  And you want someone to show you HOW to do it.  How to take it to the next level.

13. You've seen competition increase and your profit margins shrink like crazy.  You're sweating now  and worrying over your bottom line when you never used to.  Those darned competitors.  If you could just get an edge over them.

14.  The rules of the technology game are changing and you're worried.  Will you keep pace?  Or will you get left behind?  And you wonder why you can't sleep at night or wake up exhausted.

I'm not God.  And if you don't have a viable business model or products and services people want, or if the whole world turns against you, no system in the universe can help you.  But assuming you pass that test, and you're not a hopeless case (even though it may feel hopeless) for all of the above issues, there is truly only ONE secret solution.

The key to wealth, marketing, enjoying life and much more is . . .


You have to multiply yourself and your efforts many times over.  Permit me to explain by sharing  some personal experiences from my life...

Please allow me to share part of my personal story:

Before I discovered the Internet and cutting-edge technology, I was making great money but driving myself crazy.

I was traveling around the country every week speaking at seminars, creating products, selling online.  Wow!  It was a lot of stuff.  More than one person could do.

So I cut out the traveling and focused on creating and selling products on the Internet.  I sold thousands of products and became well-recognized around the world.

But you know what?

I was going even MORE crazy.  I had customer service emails out the wazoo that had to be answered.  I had calls pouring in on my voice mail that needed responding to.  I had problems that needed to be solved.

Plus, I had to write the marketing promotions, create the products, manage the distribution and fulfillment of the products, and look after inventory.  So many things.


It's enough to drive a guy wacko.

That's when I had it.  I had enough.  I TRIED hiring people to help me.  But they screwed me.  Charged me a lot of money and delivered a sub-par result as far as I was concerned. And worse yet, I didn't even have time to train them or time to deal with the problems.

My back was up against the wall.

I worked, studied, read over 10,000 pages on management, went to seminars, and so forth.  Over a period of a two years, I reinvented my business.

The solution I developed is what I call the

Explode Your Sales System.  I keep honing, refining and perfecting it ever day.

The Better Work/Better Life System
Contains Three Parts

1.  Your business will NOT require you to be present for the daily functioning.  In the last year I have traveled overseas multiple times.  This removes the struggle, grind, stress and chains of operating a business.

This means the business runs on systems.

The ONLY way to free yourself up is to have systems that run without you having to run them.  If you have read the Emyth by Michael Gerber, you KNOW how true that is.

2. Your business leverages your personal time by using OPT -- Other People's Time.  This means your own personal efforts are freed up to do what you enjoy and are best at.

That is, I hire and use independent contractors, assistants and so forth to operate the systems I create.

What's more, I developed a way to locate and use independent contractors without investing large sums or time in training.  In fact, I automated 90% of the training.

I repeat:  The secret is to automate the training.  You can also use employees if you want using the same sort of systems.  Or you can create the systems but operate them yourself...if and only if you're a person who can consistently implement a system without fail.

3.  Your business uses leveraged marketing.  This means you have dozens, hundreds or thousands of ads, direct mail pieces, tools, resellers, sales people, telemarketers, postcards, banners, pop-ups, drop boxes, faxes, and other entities making sales for you.

Listen up:  As I talked about earlier, the REAL secret of generating and accumulating wealth, selling thousands of products and so forth is leverage.

You can't do it all yourself.

You MUST leverage yourself using systems, people, and advertising.  Think about it.  Know how and why all those infomercial gurus are rich?

They have hundreds of sales presentations occurring all the time.  Those commercials do the selling for them so they don't have to.  Do you think Don Lapre or Anthony Robbins answers the phone and takes orders 8 hours a day? 

Heck no.

They use staff, people and systems.  For example, they have an upsell system. 

When you call to order, the telephone person offers you a more expensive upgrade option.  Many people take advantage of it and more income flows into the business.

I call this my money in/money out theory of making money.

Making money in business is the simplest thing in the world.  You have to have as little as possible going out and as much as possible coming in.

The way you DO that is using technology...

You have to automate as much as possible so technology finds prospects for you, sells your products for you, follows up for you, faxes out documents for you, makes phone calls for you, and sends emails for you.


This was such a HUGE revelation to me.

I was taught by my dad in business that I had to do everything myself.  That you couldn't have overhead.  I still HATE overhead.  But I cut it to the bone using technology, the Internet and automated marketing systems.

Then, I found you don't have to be afraid of staff and having other people work for or with you IF you have management, personnel and training systems in place so things happen automatically like clockwork.

It's a whole new freedom.  A whole new way of doing business.

Let me explain this leverage concept in greater detail:

Here's hard core proof that leverage really is the answer

Think about it.

Do you see Bill Gates down at your local computer store selling software?  Nope.  He has thousands of stores, people and companies around the world selling his Windows operating system and his software products.

He'd be pretty tired and sick of his life if he was trying to do everything himself, wouldn't he?  Imagine trying to develop the software, hire personnel, find distribution, create the graphics, do the programming!  Holy smokes.  That would be insanity.

Yet, that's what many people are trying to do in their business.

Did Sam Walton spend his days ringing up sales down at your local Wal Mart?  Heck no.  He leveraged himself, time and abilities by paying other people to do that on his behalf.  And he replicated an exact system over and over and over.

The ultimate example is McDonalds.

Did Ray Kroc spend his days down at your local McDonalds flipping burger day after day?  Of course not.  He had thousands of McDonalds selling his burgers for him.  And employees and staff to do what?

Operate his system. Operate his lean, mean selling machine.

This is it.

The one secret that will forever and permanently change the way you do business, make money, sell products, cash in and ultimately retire. Do you want to make money using the same method as Bill Gates, Ray Kroc, and Sam Walton?

Then you have to do what they did.  And what is that?  They  leveraged their time, efforts, and energy.

How A Sales Person Who Couldn't Even Get An Appointment

Cashed Out For $78 Million Using Leverage

The guy I learned this personally from was a client of mine I used to do a lot of writing for.  I wrote his sales letters and promotional stuff.  His name is Walter "Itsy Bitsy" Hailey.  If you've heard me speak at a seminar, you've likely heard me talk about him.

Walter started out as a failure in selling insurance.  He couldn't even get an appointment, little alone sell anything.  Well, to make a long story short, Walter developed a system to sell insurance to the employees of supermarkets in mass.

In 8 years, Walter tells me he sold a billion dollars of insurance and actually BOUGHT the company he was selling for!  Later he sold the company for $78 million dollars.

The key that unlocked the door to riches for him was leverage.  See, he saw that the ONLY way to rack up big sales was to have a whole ton of people to sell to.  And then, he leveraged himself more by getting sales people under him and selling to the employees of this supermarket chain nationwide.

That's leverage.

Here's my absolute, iron-clad, I'll put my money where my mouth is guarantee: You can use MY blow the doors off your business system right away to make more money -- or

I'll actually pay you $100 to use my system.  More about that later.

This is not about dot com  mumbo jumbo, high-altitude dreams.  This is practical, hands-on, you can do this right away -- without investing your life into it nor becoming a computer geek.

Here is my 3-part formula for
blowing the doors off your business...

… freeing up your time and have a blast doing it

One, you get my automated personnel leveraging system that removes the stress, strain and worry of obtaining and using other people to operate your systems for you.

This frees up your time to enjoy life, create more products, do marketing and spend more time with your friends and family.

I automate the training because I use independent contractors.  That way, if one person starts falling down on the job, I don't despair.  I just get someone else and give them the automated training.  I don't have to personally train them at all.

I'm going to give you actual examples of how I locate the independent contractors, pay them, train them, assign projects to them.

This is NOT theory folks.  You won't find this in those stupid free e-books.  This is real life stuff I created. It has never been in print before by anyone anywhere. And if you do see it in print, it was copied by me.

Do you want stuff from the source or a copycat?

Two, my blow-the-doors-off your business sales system.  This is what is going to blow the door off your sales and cause you to need the other systems to handle all the business.

Nobody gets this.

The ONE and only KEY to big sales is multiplication.  That's WHY the Internet is so popular but almost no one understands that statement or understands how to truly cash in on it.

I'm going to show you dozens of examples of how to use multiple sales vehicles to create a sales explosion from all kinds of businesses and industries.  And I'm not going to do this only in theory. I'm going to give you practical examples, step-by-step how to's, plug you into vendors, suppliers and resources crucial to your success

(That's what really sets this e-class apart from anything and everything else.  That's what makes it truly one-of-a-kind.)

Here are just a few of the topics:

How to multiply your marketing with the absolute latest in cutting-edge technology.

How clients and people I know in business have gone from no sales to millions in sales in ridiculously short periods of time once they truly understood and got a hold of this leverage marketing system.

How to literally operate in a brand new paradigms and blow the freakin' lid right off your sales.  This is why you MUST have my other systems or you're going to break all your systems, overload yourself or your staff with work, bust your business at the seams, have  customer service nightmares and so forth.

You've got to have the other systems in place. I've discovered secrets and methods of leveraging other people haven't even dreamed of. And you're going to learn about all of them.

Here's a summary of what you'll find out:

•  How to get hundreds or thousands of sales letters selling for you

•  How to get dozens, hundreds or thousands of drop boxes generating leads for you.  You'll get the source of killer drop boxes, how to get them distributed, how to get the leads, how to get them followed up on.

•  How businesses right now are leveraging their time using technology like CD ROMs, conference call selling, lumpy mail and other technologically innovative methods.

•  How to get dozens of hotline messages generating leads and selling stuff for you.

•  How to do sales presentations on an automated basis to hundreds of people at a time.

•  Methods we use to automate customer service that really work.

•  How to pre-program sequences of email, faxes and so forth.

•  How we get 100+ leads a week from our web site and over 7,000 sales.  Real world, practical stuff that I  know works from experience.

•  How  to automate all kinds of sales presentations, follow ups, and so forth.

•  How we automatically obtain hundreds of testimonials we can use in ads, emails, sales presentations, power points and so forth.

•  How we automatically recruit new talent and independent contractors to operate our systems.

•  How a friend of mine converts 22% of web site visitors to buyers.

•  How some service businesses generate a lead a day from their web site with very few visitors.

•  Direct mail  printing and fulfillment resources you can plug right into.

Three:  My examples and illustrations package that graphically shows you EXACTLY what my systems are and how I use them in the real world.

This is the best part.  I give you examples of our training systems, marketing, technology leveraging methods and so forth.   This means you don't have to guess what I do or what works.  You see it graphically illustrated in real life.

I think this is crucial.

See, this is not theory. It isn't something I read in someone else's book and decided to teach you.  This is stuff we're doing. Stuff we know works. And most importantly, is guaranteed to work for you if you work with it.

Marlon, Can't I Just Buy A Book On This?

I know what you're thinking.  And it's a fair question so I want to answer it.  "Marlon, that sounds good. But can't I just buy a book at the store or an online ebook and learn how to do this?"

That's a good question.  I'm glad you asked it!  The answer is absolutely not.  How do I know that?

Because each year I spend around $10,000 buying marketing books and courses.  This year I've already spent over $7,000 and it's just February.  I've read all the ebooks.  I've bought all the courses. 

This is source information. 

If you want the information, there's just one source.  Me. I'm not bragging.  It's a fact.  Yes, over the next year, there will be imitators.  But they will be people giving book reports on my information.  They won't be the true source.

"Marlon, how is your information different from all the other marketers, teachers, writers, courses -- and the giant pile of marketing information that is available?"

Well, when you use the word "pile", it's a pretty accurate description.  Because

while there's some good stuff out there, a lot of it is also a pile of … ummmm … well you know what.

  Here's the difference:

I go beyond theory and explanation.

I've done the research for you.  I'll cut 80% or 90% off your research time and learning curve.

I give you samples of my marketing leverage strategies.  All kinds of stuff.  I'll give you illustrations.  Turn you onto new information, ideas and strategies. 

In other words, this is not a theory e-class.  It's "doing it" and "getting it done".  Because that's the only thing that's going to make you money.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to quit doing all the lead generating, prospecting and hunting down customers yourself?  Wouldn't you agree it's too much work and will eventually run you ragged?

Are you ready to stop flushing money down the toilet on marketing and advertising that gets no results?

Are you ready to drastically reduce the time, money and energy you spend following up with prospects and customers? Isn't it about time you get more money in the door without spending any of your personal time to do it?

Are you ready to recruit hot new talent at fair and even bargain prices -- automatically -- using a simple, one-time,  10-minute procedure?

Are you ready to find out how to recruit, hire and train assistants that allows you to stop doing $10.00 an hour work and start doing only the work that pays big dividends?

Here's what you get:

1.  Our complete step-by-step 5-part e-class that walks you through all the key components of the system mentioned in this report.  This is not about guesswork or hit-and-miss.  We walk you through the system.

2.  Our 3-CD set.  One is our audio seminar, two is additional support materials and CD three contains examples of how we obtain freelancers and independent contractors, present projects to them, document, present and use our systems.

3.  You get feedback on your assignments.  Each week I give you powerful, profit-actions to take that very week.  You complete the assignments, return them via email, and I'll give you my feedback and comments. I'm here to help you get the absolute most out of this information during the 5-weeks.

Here's why I believe you'll get your tuition
for the e-class back in short order

This is very different from anything I've ever taught.  I'm not trying to give you a whole marketing education here or teach you Internet marketing. What I'm giving you on a gold platter is the single most powerful marketing concept I know.  And I'm turning you onto specific resources, methods, vendors, suppliers, and even step-by-step systems to implement it.

That means if you have a profitable existing business, if you have products that already sell well, your pay off on the tuition should be in very short order.

This is NOT about getting educated. It's about me giving you a system, strategy, the tools, methods, hook-ups, and contacts you need to get it going.  I can't possibly see why that's going to take a long time for you to generate only $1500.  (By the way, you can split that up into 3 payments if you want to.)

How many extra sales is that?

Not many when the system I'm going to give you is not designed to create small amounts of sales like that.  It's literally about blowing the doors off.

It's about taking one or more sales vehicles you can multiply in big numbers and cranking the sales up to a point where your systems burst if you don't fix them.

And then I show you how to get those in place the right way.

What's more, I'm going to give you assignments to make sure this is NOT another stupid thing you order and don't do anything with.  The assignments are to get you to do stuff.  To implement.

What's more, I'm going to be there giving you feedback on your assignments.  I'm going to coach and guide you on implementing this system for 5 full weeks.

You know, if this isn't worth $1500, you don't have a real business.  Honest to God.  You only need to implement the system to an extremely small degree to recoup the money.

But I don't get anything on your profits.

So you can use this system and knowledge to reap whirlwind profits for the next 10 years and I won't get a dime of that.  If you were to hire me for consulting, you'd pay $1,000 per hour.

But via this e-class method, the beauty is you still get feedback from me but for the cost of only 1 1/2 hours of consulting.  And you get the entire 5-week e-class to boot.

Tell you what.  Even as I write this, I KNOW you're going to rock your sales.  And if you don't, it's going to be because you don't follow through.  Because you don't implement. 

So I'm going to stick my neck out and make it darned near impossible to say anything other than a huge YES!

Here's my absolute, iron-clad, "I'll pay you to
try my system" guarantee

You can use my Explode Your Sales System right away to make more money -- or I'll actually pay you to use my system.  That's right. 

Get the first e-class lesson.

Read it over.  Put your pencil to the concepts in it.

If you don't get more excited about your business and marketing than you've been in a long, long time, I'm going to give you your tuition fee back, PLUS …

I'll even pay you an extra $100 just for having tried it!

Now you know I can ONLY do that because I know it'll happen only once in a blue moon.  That's as fair as I can get.  You get every penny you spent for the system back.  PLUS a check for a hundred bucks!

You've got to admit.

That's powerful stuff.  When was the last time one of these Johnny-come-lately marketing types had the guts to back up THEIR "marketing system" with cold, hard cash -- a hundred bucks worth?

Well I do.  I'm not afraid. 

You see, I know if you're honest with me and honest with yourself, you can't NOT blow your sales through the freakin' roof when you get these sales vehicles working for you times ten.

Times ten means you get ten-fold more promotion, processes, sales letters, postcards, classifieds, articles, telemarketing calls, voice broadcasts, faxes, emails and so forth going for you than you have now.

And I'm going to plug you into the resources you need to do that.  How can you not make money if you do that?  How can you not get many times your $1500 tuition fee back? 

See what I'm saying?

You use my ten-times system -- and it'll be a blue moon before your sales don't explode, assuming you have an existing business that is profitable with products people want.

Wouldn't you agree?

Enough said.

All I ask is that you treat me as fairly as I'm treating you.  Order only if you're dead serious about using the system and getting results.  Please don't order if

you're a curiosity seeker and you're planning on getting a refund regardless of the information. We're going out on a limb for you.  Play fair with us in return.

Fair enough?

Are you gonna talk or are you gonna fish?

A long time ago I sold timeshare.  I'll never forget a story one of the speakers told.  It went something like this . . .

There was this guy who loved to fish.  And he was always bragging to his friends about what a great fisherman he was. So anytime he went on a fishing expedition, he had to deliver.

He had to come back with fish.

Or his wife, friends, family would make fun of him.  "Oh, the great fisherman can't even come back with one fish."

Well, one fine Saturday he's out fishing.

And no matter what bait he throws out or where he fishes, he can't get any bites -- at all.

He thinks about all the teasing he'll have to endure when gets back home.  So his ego and pride gets the best of him.

He digs around in his boat and finds a stick of dynamite!  He lights the dynamite, tosses it in the lake, it explodes and a bunch of fish float to the surface.

He grabs his net, scoops them up and goes back to shore. About the time he gets out of the boat, the park ranger walks up to him and say, "Sir, you know fishing with dynamite is illegal.  I'm going to have to give you a big fine for doing that."

The man is sweating bullets. 

He doesn't have the money to pay the fine.

All of a sudden inspiration strikes again.  He quickly reaches down in his boat grabs another stick of dynamite, lights it and hands it to the park ranger.

"Now sir," he says, "Are you gonna talk or you gonna fish?"

That story used to always crack me up, so I wanted to share it with you.  The point is, right now, you've got the cherry red dynamite (the tube this letter came in.)

Are you gonna talk about doing something?

Or are you gonna fish?

I'm looking for only 15-people to be in my next e-class.  Not a lot.  Just a few. 

People who want to fish.

Is that you?

If it is, return the application and non-confidentiality agreement by fax.

You must apply for acceptance into the e-class

I don't want people in the e-class who are ill-suited for it.  So you are required to fill out an application.  And I reserve the right to turn down any applications. 

In addition, a non-disclosure/confidentiality agreement is required.  That is for your benefit as much as mine.  If everybody and their dog finds out about these methods, it will to some extent dilute their power.

Plus, it just isn't fair when some copycat takes my methods and writes the equivalent of a book report on them in a free or dirt cheap e-book.

That's the reason for the non-disclosure. 

How to Apply For Acceptance Into
This Exclusive E-Class

It's simple to apply.

Take the application form, fill it out and return it by fax along with the non-disclosure.  If you want to spread the tuition fee out over three months, the fee is $1700.00.  Which makes your monthly $566.66.

You save $200 by paying upfront.

If you're accepted into the e-class, you'll be notified via email.  If you're not accepted, you will also be notified via email.

Let's go catch some fish.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders

P.S. I'm only accepting 15 people into this e-class.  If you don't get into this one, you could have to wait 5 or 10 weeks -- or longer -- to get into the next one.  So please, act now while it's on your mind.  And before the e-class sells out.

Absolute, Ironclad
"Put My Money Where My Mouth Is" Guarantee!

(I'll pay you $100 just to check the system out)

Take the first lesson on us…

Get the first lesson.  If you don't agree just that the information in the first lesson alone will blow the doors off your business -- then you don't pay!

And not only that, I'll pay you a $100 bonus.

You must agree 100% that the first lesson alone is worth your tuition or you don't pay AND you get an extra $100.00.

Now, if that isn't fair, then I don't know what is.  It's better-than-risk-free.  That's how confident we are. 

So order today!

It's quick and simple to do:

1) Click here to fill in the form:

2) Send the non-disclosure form:



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